Shadows Linger Part Two: The Long Road Synopsis for "Shadows Linger Part Two: The Long Road"
Superman is attacked by the Priest-Elders of the Protonic Flame, who interpret Superman's attempt to warn them of the dangers of lead as a threat. In the process, they smack Paragon, who, infuriated, turns on the Priest-Elders and attacks them. Paragon fetches a machine gun and shoots the priest elders. Most of the bullets pass through, but one stays lodged, poisoning the three, who flee after striking out at Paragon.
Superman attempts to reason with Paragon, and recruits him to help stop the Elders. Clark emerges from the rubble of the Daily Planet, indicating that he's okay, but wants to go home and rest. At the Kents' apartment, Chris wants to help Clark at stopping the Elders but Clark insists he stay at home for his own safety. Then, Superman goes to the Fortress of Solitude to work on a cure for the Elders. Mon-El tells Superman the story of the way the Priest-Elders became arrogant and controlling, and of a scientist who created an unknown weapon, the "most dangerous weapon ever conceived."
This weapon Mon-El talks about is deployed by the Elders. The weapon is a large humanoid with planets on its body. Noting the resemblance to the Golem legend, Superman dubs this weapon the "Galactic Golem." The Priest-Elders appear to mock Superman, and continue to ignore his pleas to get help for their poisoning even as the Elders become physically weak.
Paragon briefly duplicates the golem's powers, allowing Superman to fly inside. According to Mon-El, the planetoid on the Golem's forehead serves as its power source, so Superman destroys it, causing the Golem to deactivate. Barely escaping from the Golem, Superman catches his breath while Paragon escapes. Superman flies to the Priests' ship and tries to give them the cure, but the Priests refuse and instead leave Earth.
Later at the Fortress of Solitude, Superman shows Lois and Chris his newest invention: the Alexandria II, a huge repository of all human knowledge. Superman constructed it to make sure humanity's history and science can never be lost. Seconds later, Superman goes to address an emergency in Madrid.
Out in space, a giant hand appears over a swirling black hole.